We’ve all been there – falling asleep at a game of cricket, when suddenly we spot a fair-skinned lady, holding her parasol and waiting for the game to end.
Should I approach her, you think. There are many courtiers on her doorstep. And her father won’t approve you anyway. And even if I do approach, what should I say?
It is time to put your insecurities aside and strike a conversation with her. Below are some first-liners to get you started, Victorian style:
Credit goes to Nathan “Relvox” Dortman for this one.
If used correctly, any of these sentences could get the conversation going. It is only a matter of time then, until you hear what you want to hear (and let’s face it, that’s what you want to hear):
First and Awesome!
Why yes, dear sir, you can make me your bitch.
indeed good sir you have managed to coax a chuckle. jolly good work.
The top hat: ever-growing O_O